In this time when we can’t meet physically we’ve set up a way to meet virtually. The HCGB is holding a series of weekly video sessions, focussing on a different hover-techy subject each week. Initially they have been based on many of the talks that were to have been given at the recently cancelled AGM Technical Symposium, but as we go on we’re including more talks on subjects that people have suggested, including talks from our colleagues in the Hoverclub of America. We’d welcome suggestions for other talks. We are also holding parallel weekly video sessions specifically for juniors. As a service to the hovercraft community worldwide non HCGB members are welcome to join in.
The techtalk weekly format is that a prerecorded presentation with slides, videos etc is livestreamed on the HCGB Youtube channel on tuesday evenings at 2000 (British Summer Time) . You will have the chance to ask text questions of the presenter during the presentation, using the comments facility on Youtube, and it will remain on Youtube so you can look at it anytime. Then on thursday evenings, at 2015 BST, immediately after the UK’s weekly ‘clap for the NHS’ session there is an interactive Zoom meeting where you ask more questions of the presenter and discuss the presentation generally.
The junior techtalk weekly format is that an A4 quiz sheet is emailed out to juniors on mondays each week for them to work on at home and on the thursday they all get together to go through the answers etc on their own interactive Zoom meeting at 1600 BST
If you want to take part in the weekly Zoom interactive techtalk meetings send an email to to get your invitation to the meetings and details of how to join. For the junior techtalk quiz sheets and meetings send your email to Once you’re on these email lists you’ll get a fresh invitation emailed to you each week for that weeks meeting. You don’t need a Zoom account and it should work on laptops desktops and mobiles. If your laptop or desktop doesn’t have a camera you can stlll join in and see what others are seeing and if you’ve got a microphone you can make an audio only contribution.
Both Youtube and Zoom meetings are free.
The Zoom account is also available 24/7 for branches, twigs etc to use for their own meetings. Contact me for details at My thanks to Ross Hammond for his considerable help in setting this up, particularly the production of the youtube videos, and to Rob Trussler for running the junior techtalks.
Keith Oak
Meet Core Team Behind The Techtalks

Keith Oakley

Rob Trussler